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Handcrafted Video & Online Courses for better Jazz improvisation!

Coltrane "Meditation" exercise

The exercise proposed in this digital download is arguably THE most important  any serious musician in improvisation can ever practice!

There are 2 reasons for this:

1) It immerses the ear and body in the sound of how each note feels against a base chord. (This is fundamentally important preparation  activity that few musicians take the time to incorporate in to their practice routine)

2) It trains us to be able to play a tune in any key, as once we know the number/melody relationship of a tune we can translate this to any key, (provided we know the numbers of each note of the scale in all the 12 keys of music)

Included in the download

  • A carefully prepared PDF which includes a meticulous bar by bar analysis of the 'Resolution' melody + with the melody/numbers written for Concert, Bb, Eb and Bass instruments.
  • 12 minor drones for you to practice/experience the exercises in 12 keys 
  • Pdf of 'Resolution' in 12 keys (treble and bass clef versions)
  • Mp4  tutorial Video


Watch the video here
