My most advanced, all-level online video courses & downloadable courses

Handcrafted Video & Online Courses for better Jazz improvisation!


Hi, my name is Nick Homes, musician, saxophonist, educator and musical mentor.

I was, and still am a non genius musician who struggled for many years to find out the secrets of jazz playing. Throughout 40 years of playing, and obsessive investigation I have focussed on building systems of learning for myself and students so they can improve, and reach their goals with the highest probability.

Check my mission and goals here

My learning journey

In 2005 I moved from the UK to Argentina, as I was looking to submerge myself in new sounds and experiences. It was difficult at 39 to learn a new language from scratch. At times I felt stupid, confused and that the task was simply too big. ( these feelings were sometimes exacerbated when people criticised my efforts at speaking that had cost me so much hard work)

Little did I realise at the time , but this whole  learning experience AND moving to a new culture was perfect training for what I do today- which is to teach the language of Jazz. You see I don´t want anyone to feel the frustration I felt learning spanish.

Both Jazz and Spanish are languages that have much in common especially when it comes to learning as an adult:

a) Both subjects are huge and can be overwhelming. b) both disciplines require a combination of aural and theoretical skills to master c) both require consistent effort + perseverance over time to achieve tangible results.

Improvising for me should be as easy and as natural as speaking a language. 

In English we ‘play’ an instrument. In Spanish, the verb is ‘tocar’ - to touch. I like the English version so much more ☺ Music for me should always be playful, fun, a blast!

Even when the musical mood is serious, it can still be enjoyable. That has been my fundamental motto in preparing the resources on this site.

