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Handcrafted Video & Online Courses for better Jazz improvisation!

Table of Contents - Foundational Soul Scale


1.Soul Scale Course Introduction
2. How to use the course
3. Course Overview Module by Module
4. The painful story of why I wrote the Soul Scale course

Pre course study (optional)

1. WATCH ME if you are new to improvisation
2. Ways to practice the Major and Minor Arpeggios
3. Improvising on a Blues just using Arpeggio notes
4. Fundamental Combination Arpeggio practice around the cycle
5.Amazing ´SECRET´Major arpeggio to know
6. Swing Jazz 8th notes Explanation
7.Jazz Rhythm Practice without instrument
8.The Non Symmetrical Major/Minor Arpeggio
9. I to IV Improvisation just using arpeggio notes
10. 153 stretched cycle 5 workout

Module 1: The Blues Arpeggio

1. The Blues Arpeggio
2. Mechanical Ways to Practice the Blues Arpeggio
3. Why is the Blues arpeggio different descending?
4. Blues Arpeggio. (deep) Drone practice
5. How to play the Blues arpeggio on a Jazz Blues in Bb
6. Practicing the Blues Arpeggio on a F Blues using patterns
7. Demonstration F Blues solos using the Blues Arpeggio
8. Playing the Blues Arpeggio on a Blues without backing
9. Flexibility. Starting on different degrees of the Blues Arpeggio in F
10. Blues Arpeggio Rhythmic class
11.Short phrase practice Blues Arpeggio
12. Cycle of 4ths/5ths practice featuring The Blues Arpeggio starting on Root
13. Cycle 5ths workout starting on major 3rd, Minor 3rd and Fifth
14. Variation on the Blues Arpeggio
15. Starting on different Degrees of the Variation
16.Blues Arpeggio Variation on a Blues
17. Cycle 4ths/5ths Variation practice workout
18. The Power and Soul of the 6th (on a Blues)
19. Some tunes that feature the 6th
20. Choice lines featuring the F Blues Arpeggio + 6th variation
21. The Blues Arpeggio on a static Bb groove
22. Harmonising the Blues arpeggio
23. Fourteen Rhythmic exercises
24.Question and Answer Bb Blues Arpeggio exercises
25. Q and A Blues Arpeggio Variation exercise
26. End of Module 1 checklist/ debrief
27. Blues Arpeggio cycle 5 exercises


1. The Soul Pentatonic
2. Practicing the Soul Pentatonic (singing)
3. Slow Drone practice of Soul Pentatonic in various keys
4. Soul Pentatonic demonstration practice in 12 keys
5. THE Soul Note of the Major Pentatonic vs The Non Soul, Note of the Major Scale
6. Combination practice. 651
7. Famous Major Pentatonic (Traditional) tunes to practice and learn by ear!
8. Major pentatonic Harmonic tutorial
9. Flexibility, starting on different degrees of the Bb Soul Pentatonic (Rubato)
10.Short repetition exercises on Soul Pentatonic
11. Different degrees of the Soul Pentatonic on slow jazz groove in F
12. Different degrees of the Soul pentatonic with RHYTHM
13. Rhythmic singing exercises
14. Soul Pentatonic round the cycle of 4ths/5ths
15. Soul Pentatonic Triplet Study on cycle of 5ths
16. Soul Pentatonic lines on static F Jazz groove
17. Soul Pentatonic on a static F major medium up Jazz groove
18. The Soul Pentatonic on a Country Groove in Bb
19. How to play the Soul Pentatonic on a Bb Blues TUTORIAL
20.The Soul Pentatonic on a simple Jazz Blues in F
21. The Soul Pentatonic on a simple Blues in Bb
22. Soul Pentatonic on a Simple Blues in G
23. Variation on the Soul Pentatonic featuring the 4th
24. I to IV Soul Pentatonic Tutorial and demos
25. I to IV7 Soul Pentatonic solo

Module 3 - The SIX NOTE SOUL SCALE AKA ´Major Blues scale´

1. INTRO to module 3 + Recap of the Blues Arpeggio and Soul Pentatonic
2. The Six note Soul Scale
3. Practicing the 6 note Soul scale
4. The Importance of the 2nd degree
5. Tetratonics
6. Flexibility, Starting on different degrees of the 6 note Soul Scale
7. Choice lines on Six note Soul Scale
8. Triplet lines on 6 the Note Soul Scale in F
9. 'Circular Phrases' using Six note Soul Scale in Eb
10. Six note Soul scale on a Gospel Jazz Groove
11. Sixteenth Note lines on the Six note Soul Scale in F
12. Cycle 4ths/5ths workout
13. Cycle of 4th/5ths STUDY
14. How to play the Six note Soul Scale on a Blues TUTORIAL
15. In the Summertime - Blues in D
16. Variation #1 (using the 4th as a passing note)
17. Variation #2 (using the #5/b6)
18. The importance of the inner ear
19. Sixteenth note lines on a C Gospel Jazz groove
20. Beat Box Funky Blues in G
21. Triplet | 12/8 groove study
22. Country Groove


1. The Seven Note Soul Scale
2. Practicing the 7 Note Soul Scale in 12 keys
3. The Major Scale Problem
4. The Muscular power of the flat 7
5. Three famous Tunes that feature the flat 7th
6. Seven Note Soul scale Cycle 4ths/5ths triplets Workout
7. Cycle 4ths /5ths 16 notes
8. Flexibility - Starting on different degrees - Rubato
9. Different degrees over an F7 groove
10. Question and Answer phrases starting on different degrees
11. Choice lines on 7 note Soul Scale
12. Variation of the 7 note Soul Scale with the 4th
13. How to Play the 7 note Soul Scale on a Blues Tutorial
14. F Blues - Analysis and Demonstration
15. Question and answer phrases in D7
16. Rhythmic displacement
17. I7 to IV7. demonstration in F (F7 to Bb7)
18. Question and Answer I7 to IV7 D7 to G7
19. G7 to C7 + Rant
20. All Blues Variations
21. Bessies BLues cycle 5
22. Bb Blues demonstration featuring the 7 note SS
23. Blues in D demonstration
24. Lazy blues in Eb
25. Fred Wesley Solo analysis
26. Fred Wesley Slow practice
27. Fred Wesley 12 key practice


Module 5 - Eight note Soul Scale ADDING THE #4/b5 AS A PASSING TONE

1. Recap of scales used in modules 1-4
2. The #4/b5 used as a passing tone
3. Five famous tunes that use the #4/b5
4. Ways to practice and incorporate this sound
5. Cliche ending cycle workout + harmony
6. Blues tutorial in F featuring the #4
7. adding more chords to the simple F blues
8. Bb Blues tutorial featuring the #4
9. Fast Blues in F featuring #4 demonstration
10. adding 6th back in to the mix
11. Flexibility, starting on different degrees
12. Choice lines on the 8 note soul scale
13. Variations adding b6/#5
14. Introducing approach notes
15. Blues solo analysis - Johnny Hodges - Things ain't what they used to be.

Module 6 - THE NINE SOUL SCALE Workout module

1. The Nine Note Soul Scale theory
2. Practicing the Seven Note Soul Scale
3. Cycle 5 Triplet Workout
4. Cycle 4/5ths Sixteenth Note workout
5. Mapping out the 12 note Soul Scale on a Blues
6. Blues 12 key workout
7. Funky Beatbox Blues
8. Rhythm changes - Macro/Micro Concepts to improvisation
9. I7 to IV7 in 12 keys workout
10. Sweet Georgia Brown
11. Blues demonstration in F
12. Bop Blues in D demonstration
13. Blue Monk 12 key workout
14. In the Summertime cover + Solo files

Module 7 - Two Big ideas to add in to the mix

1. Two Big ideas - Module Introduction
2. Three Cycle 5 workouts
3. Connecting Dominant 7th lines
4. Two Essential Blues Cliche endings you need to know!
5. Blues demonstration in F using 10 note soul scale
6. Blues in C featuring the 10 note Soul scale
7. Lazy Blues in Eb and E
8. Connecting Blues in Bb
9. Connecting Blues in D
10. Beat box Blues in Eb featuring the 10 note Soul scale
11. Q and A workout
12. Limehouse Blues
13. Playing the Major 7th on a dominant 7th chord
14. Blues in F demonstration featuring the Major 7th
15. Blues in Bb Featuring the Major 7th
16. Beat Box Blues in G featuring the Major 7th

Module 8 - Combining the Major and Minor Pentatonics

1. Combining the Major and Minor PENTATONICS
2. Ways to Practice the Major and Minor Blues scales
3. Ways to USE the Major and Minor Pentatonic
4. Major and Minor pentatonic 12 key practice
5. Combining the Major and Minor Blues scales
6. Ways to practice the Major Minor Blues scale
7. How to USE the Major MInor Blues scale
8. MajorMinor Blues scale in 12 keys
9. Introducing the Major and Minor Bebop Blues scale
10. How to practice the Bebop Blues scale
11. Ways to USE the Bebop Blues scale
12. Demonstration of the Bebop Blues scale in 12 keys
13. Hidden Tritones
14. Harmonising the Major and Minor Pentatonic
15. Adding Grace Notes = Adding Soul
16. Tutorial - 3 Classic Examples of Blues in Jazz tunes
17. Examples of Bebop in 4 killer Jazz solos
18. Mixing Bebop, Altered and Blues - BAB - the sounds you need to know!
19. Charlie Parker Blues examples
20. Major and Minor examples over a static groove

21. Non Symmetrical Scale collection
